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"My three children are my greatest artistic achievement." Antanas Mončys (1921-1993)

This book invites us to share precious, intimate moments with the sculptor Antanas Mončys. His oldest son recounts these moments through texts, accompanied by numerous illustration: the artist's works and photos from the family archives. Fragmentary memories provide insight into the mystery of the creative process and the deep bond between Antanas Mončys and his native land, Lithuania, from which he was separated for a very long time, as well as his close rapport with its nature and culture. These memories also reveal his constant sources of inspiration which he so well conveyed through the language of contemporary art. This artist, still fairly unknown, exhibited his works alongside the greats: Antoine Pevsner, Jean Arp, Henri Laurens, Henry Moore, Alexander Calder, Max Ernst; he worked with Ossip Zadkin, Marc Chagall, Jan et Joël Martel...

On the occasion of the centenary of his birth, Antanas Mončys truly deserves to be discovered by a wider audience. Undeniably, his art leans toward timelessness and universality – much like Calder's large stabiles or Moore's immense, abstract silhouettes...

We invite you to take a stroll through the second half of the 20th century, to places where Pére Ant and Krik (Antanas and his son) worked, travelled and lived.

Jean-Christophe Mončys (born in 1954) is an actor, teacher of theatrical arts, director and speech coach. He lives in Paris and refers himself as: "I am Lithuanian and I am also French."


Šioje knygoje – intymūs jos autoriaus, A. Mončio sūnaus Jean-Christophe’o, atsiminimai, sustabdytos jo tėvo gyvenimo akimirkos, mintys apie įtraukiantį kūrybos procesą, jo filosofija, įvairios istorijos, išeivijos dailininkų bei intelektualų ratas ir stiprus ilgesys Lietuvai. Kartu tai ir pasivaikščiojimas laiku – XX a. antroje pusėje – ten, kur kūrė, keliavo ir gyveno Tėvas Antas ir jo sūnus Krikas.

Memuarai iliustruoti A. Mončio piešiniais, skulptūromis ir archyvinėmis nuotraukomis.

Jean-Christophe Mončys (gim. 1954) – aktorius, teatro pedagogas, oratorinio meno mokytojas. Gyvena Paryžiuje ir prancūziškai apie save sako: Je suis Lituanien – esu lietuvis.

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